Choose an Asheville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Who Will Work Hard for You
Named as one of the Top 25 Best Cities for Manufacturing Jobs by Kempler Industries in 2019, some of Asheville’s top employers are manufacturers Eaton Corporation, Kendro Laboratory Products, Unison Engine Components, and Wilsonart, and each of these companies employ between 500-999 employees. The two largest employers in the city, Mission Health Hospital and Ingles Marketing, Inc., employ over 1000 employees. These growing industries – manufacturing, healthcare, and retail – are also the top private industries in the U.S., with the highest number of workplace injuries resulting in days away from work in 2019:
As Asheville grows and thrives, workers’ comp claims will increase. If you are one of these injured workers, you may need a workers’ compensation attorney. Contact us for a free case evaluation. Our workers’ compensation lawyers have years of experience fighting for our clients’ rights.
How Do Injured Workers File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Asheville?
Workplace injuries can stop your paycheck and burden you with medical bills, and workers’ compensation wage replacement and medical care benefits are designed to help with both. You may feel that you need additional guidance in filing a workers’ comp claim. Regardless of whether you work with a workers’ compensation lawyer on your claim or not, here are the two things you need to do after a workplace accident or illness:
- Submit a written report of the accident to your employer. You should do this as soon as possible, but generally, you have 30 days after the injury occurred to meet the express requirements of the North Carolina workers’ compensation law. If you have an occupational illness, you have 30 days from the date a competent medical provider advises you that you have suffered an occupational illness to submit a written report. Even if you did not submit a written report within 30 days, you might still make a claim under many of the exceptions to this 30-day rule.
- File a Form 18 with the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC) and provide a copy to your employer. In general, you have two years from the date of the workplace accident in which you sustained an injury. If you are making a claim for an occupational illness, you must typically file Form 18 with the NCIC within two years from whichever of the following dates occurs later:
- the date a competent medical provider advises you that you have sustained an occupational illness or
- the first date you missed time from work due to the occupational illness.
Note: If your employer or the insurance carrier manipulated you into believing that your claim was properly filed and you failed to file Form 18 in time, you might still be able to make a successful claim for workers’ compensation benefits. We urge you to file your claim as soon as possible with the assistance of a workers’ comp lawyer.
There can also be other consequences for not hiring a workers’ comp lawyer. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Asheville can guide you and help protect your rights throughout this process.
Can I File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Asheville If I Was at Fault?
Yes, you can file a claim even if you were responsible for the accident in most cases. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance system that generally does not take into account whose fault the accident was. Many employees wrongly think that they cannot qualify for or receive workers’ compensation benefits if they are at fault in any way. In reality, they may have a completely compensable workers’ compensation case.
What Kind of Benefits Can I Receive for My Workers’ Compensation Claim?
There are three basic types of benefits for injured workers under North Carolina’s workers’ compensation law:
- Lost wages
- Medical treatment
- Payment for permanently injured body part
If you have additional questions about workers’ compensation claims or the various benefits to which you may be entitled, seek the advice of our Asheville workers’ compensation lawyers. At our office, the initial case evaluation is free.
How the Asheville Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin Can Help You
The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin has provided many clients with assistance navigating the processes of filing a workers’ comp claim, requesting a hearing, and appealing a decision by the NCIC. Our workers’ comp department has a track record of fighting for maximum benefits for injured employees.
Our firm is proud to have two attorneys on our team who are former North Carolina Industrial Commissioners. They helped the agency impartially administer and enforce the state’s workers’ compensation laws.
Several of our attorneys are North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation Law. Additionally, we have several members of our team who are former insurance company defense attorneys and paralegals – they’ve worked for the other side and understand what our clients are up against.
Contact us or give us a call at 1-866-900-7078, and we will provide you with a free evaluation of your workers’ compensation case. We understand the workers’ compensation process and law and will work hard to protect your rights so you can focus on healing. Our law firm also has a personal injury team and Social Security Disability team along with our workers’ comp team so we can offer our clients guidance on inter-connected legal issues.
Looking for more details about our office? Visit the Asheville office page for additional information.
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