Social Security Disability Attorney in Fayetteville, NC

Social Security Disability Attorney in Fayetteville, NC

If you’re unable to work because of an injury or disability, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits – not everyone does. For most people, it’s a benefit they paid for throughout their working lives. But, when they seek it, many applicants can be flatly denied.

A Social Security Disability attorney in Fayetteville can help you by examining your case, gathering the necessary evidence and documents, and dealing with a lot of the stress you may be feeling.

I Want to Apply for Social Security Disability. What Do I Need to Do?

There are several steps that a person must take to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. It involves forms, gathering information, and knowing a lot of rules. With the number of outright denials from the Social Security Administration over the years, it can help to have the knowledge of a disability lawyer in Fayetteville on your side, helping you build your case.

Should I Get a Lawyer Before Filing for Social Security Disability in Fayetteville, NC?

We think so. The sooner you involve a Fayetteville Social Security Disability lawyer in your case, the less chance you’ll miss some crucial element or small detail that may lead to your claim being denied. In fact, as of 2020, the average approval rate for Fayetteville-area administrative law judges on Social Security Disability claims is less than 50%.. Having an attorney to represent you could give you the best chance at navigating the system successfully, though there are no guarantees.

Can I Have a Job While Getting Social Security Disability Benefits?

Yes, but with limitations. Generally speaking, if you can, you should work. Social Security Disability benefits may be available to those who are unable to engage in what the Social Security Administration calls “substantial gainful activity.”

That does not mean you are unable to work at all, but it does mean that you have difficulty maintaining regular employment, or that try as you might, due to absences or for other reasons, you are not able to earn very much money in your work attempts.

It is important to understand that the general premise of Social Security Disability is that if you are able to work and earn a certain amount of income, then by definition you are not disabled under the Act. The program is meant to assist people who cannot work or earn enough. An explanation of the details can come from a Social Security Disability attorney in Fayetteville, NC.

Where Is the Social Security Disability Office in Fayetteville?

The Social Security Administration office in Fayetteville, NC, is located at 145 Rowan Street. There are two bus stops within a block on Rowan Street, including the Rowan Street/Greene Street stop.

Why Hire Us as Your Disability Lawyer in Fayetteville, NC?

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin has been serving people across North Carolina since 1997. Since then, we have successfully represented more than 73,000 clients, recovering more than $2 billion in total compensation on their behalf.1

We know how confusing and contrarian the Social Security Disability system can feel – several of our SSD paralegals once worked as disability examiners for the Social Security Administration. We know its rules, and how to fight for your rights. Plus, we work on a contingency fee basis,2 so there is no up-front cost to you. Call us right now at 1-866-900-7078 for a free case evaluation, or contact our Fayetteville office for more information.

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