Meet Harvey R.

Harvey R. had been driving trucks and buses, local and long-distance, for 36 years. He always imagined he’d work until retirement. But a bus accident in 2007 forced him to apply for Social Security Disability.


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How Our Firm Helped a Client with a Social Security Disability Claim1

Harvey R. had been driving trucks and buses, local and long-distance, for 36 years. He always imagined he’d work until retirement. But a bus accident in 2007 forced him to apply for social security disability.

Harvey was driving a bus for a local company, following another bus which was behind a small car. When the car suddenly made a sharp right turn without warning, the bus in front of Harvey’s was forced to stop short. The two buses collided together. After checking on the status of the buses’ passengers and the other driver, Harvey and several passengers went to Rex Hospital.

It was there that Harvey discovered he had severe arthritis in his back. What had been minor, intermittent pain was “woken up” by the accident. The pain and stiffness soon became disabling.

About a week later, Harvey was let go from work. A company representative said his newly diagnosed medical condition made it simply too expensive to pay for his increased insurance premiums. Harvey tried to find other employment, but he could no longer pass the physical exam necessary to retain his North Carolina CDL commercial driver’s license.

“I was devastated,” he said. “I mean, I’ve never spent any length of time unemployed or any length of time in hospitals or out sick. A lot of years, I didn’t take vacations.”

“I realized I needed a lawyer when I realized nobody was going to hire me,” he said.

A Call to Our Offices Gave Him the Help He Needed

He called the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin after seeing a commercial on TV. After meeting with the legal staff, Harvey said he felt great relief that he was no longer alone. “Not having any experience as to how the procedures go, again, I felt comfortable allowing people who knew what they were doing work for me,” he said. “So it wasn’t all that important that I understood how all the t’s were crossed and how all the i’s were dotted. It was important that I was comfortable with the people that were working for me.”

He attributed the outcome of his disability case on the thoroughness of the James Scott Farrin legal staff.

“And James Scott Farrin did their research because they didn’t go back to 2007, when I had the bus accident. They went further back,” he said. “They went back into the ’80s. We’re talking almost 30 years ago, ok. That’s how thorough they were.

“If there is anything I could tell people about going with James Scott Farrin, it’s that, first of all, they will take the time to hear what you’ve got to say. Second of all, they will explain the process to you in full detail. Third of all, they will tell you the truth.”

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