Meet Wanda S.

“It made me feel really good that somebody was there to help me. That there was someone who could help fight the insurance companies that are not there for you; they’re there for themselves.”

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How Our Attorneys in North Carolina Helped a Rear-End Accident Victim1

Driving to work one sunny Friday morning, Wanda stopped at a red light. Suddenly, her car was hit from behind with a force so great it was thrown 100 feet forward — knocking her unconscious.

“Well when I first woke up after being hit, I noticed I was having a headache, numbness in my hands, a lot of pain in my back — and right away I knew something was wrong,” she said.

Injuries Impacted Her Job

Wanda was diagnosed with a neck injury and accident-related carpel tunnel syndrome. She couldn’t stand on her feet for long periods of time, had frequent headaches and her hands went numb after extended use. A freelance makeup artist for a national cosmetics company, Wanda missed “quite a bit of work” due to the accident — and ended up losing her job.

When she was contacted by the driver’s insurance agency, Wanda decided she needed someone to represent her interests and called the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin.

“The gentleman that they sent out was, seemed to me, very caring,” she said. “He was honestly interested in what injuries I had and what I had to say and how it all came about. .They wanted to take my case because they thought they could really help me out — and they did.”

Wanda said she appreciated how hard her lawyer worked on her behalf — lauding him for “going to bat” for her at mediation.

Our Law Firm Was on Her Side

“It made me feel really good that somebody was there to help me,” she said. “That there was someone who could help fight the insurance companies that are not there for you; they’re there for themselves.”

Wanda credits the help she received from the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin for helping her “get back on my feet.”

“I don’t think it would have turned out as well if I had chosen another law firm,” Wanda said. “I’m very happy that I chose this law firm…They fight for you. Honestly I thought their service was impeccable. I would not add anything else.”

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