Passionate Greensboro Truck Accident Lawyers Fighting for Clients’ Best Interests

Passionate Greensboro Truck Accident Lawyers Fighting for Clients’ Best Interests

It can happen at any time. You’re on your way to work, to the store, or heading home. Then, in an instant, life changes forever. You’ve been hit by a big truck, and you’re injured. You’re going to want an attorney to help you. You want a Greensboro truck accident lawyer. Why? Because things really do change in important ways when an accident involves a truck.

Call 1-866-900-7078. You’ll immediately talk to a person about your claim. Talk to us, and get a free case evaluation – and some answers to your question.

How Do Truck Accidents Differ From Car Accidents?

There are two primary differences. In terms of the crash itself, a loaded truck has far more mass than the average passenger car. You know that feeling of safety that people get when they drive large SUVs? It’s pretty much meaningless against a big truck. The difference in mass increases the severity of crashes for the passenger vehicles. As such, the likelihood and severity of the injuries to vehicle occupants also increases.

The second way truck accidents differ from crashes with another car is regulation. Truck drivers are far more strictly regulated than your average driver. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration sets the rules for truckers. Furthermore, there can be multiple insurers involved – the truck driver, the tractor, the trailer, and the cargo may all have different insurers and responsibilities.

Should I Give the Insurance Company a Recorded Statement After a Truck Accident?

Probably not. You have to cooperate with your insurance company if you’re making a claim on your policy. In the case of a trucking accident, you may be asked by one or more insurance companies involved with the rig for a recorded statement. It is highly advisable that you speak to a Greensboro truck accident lawyer first. The insurance company may be looking for anything they can find to reduce their payout, and saying something wrong – or simply saying it the wrong way – could do damage to your claim for compensation.

Is Greensboro Really That Dangerous as Far as Truck Accidents?

Concrete statistics for truck accidents in Greensboro aren’t kept, but we can extrapolate a few things from other data. Greensboro has a lot of highway traffic in and around it. It has I-40, I-73, I-840, I-85, and the I-85 Business route into the heart of town, so it’s reasonable to expect Greensboro to have a lot of trucking traffic. The volume of trucks will be higher on the Interstates and freeways, which account for 32% of fatal truck crashes.

But here’s the real eye-opener: The interstates are bringing trucks to Greensboro, but they’re not the deadliest roads for truck accident victims. In 2019, 52% of deaths in truck crashes happened on major roads other than interstates and freeways. And these statistics are solely about fatalities (which can result in wrongful death lawsuits) – not truck accidents with non-fatal injuries.

Do Most Greensboro Truck Accident Attorneys Work on a System Where You Only Pay If They Win?

We can’t speak for other firms, but the answer for us is yes! We work on what is called a “contingency fee” basis.2 That means we do not bill by the hour, and we do not collect an attorney’s fee unless we collect for you. This is important in two primary ways.

  • Because the amount and timing of any fee are both tied to how fast and how much compensation we may get for you, we’re motivated to work as quickly as possible to seek the maximum compensation you may be owed.
  • Because you don’t have to pay out-of-pocket for a lawyer, there’s no financial barrier for you to get the representation you may need to seek compensation for your injuries.

Consult the Truck Accident Attorneys of James Scott Farrin

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin has represented thousands of accident victims. We’ve recovered more than $2 billion total for more than 73,000 clients1 since 1997. We know the law and what to expect from trucking companies and insurance companies. They don’t intimidate us. Contact our Greensboro office or call 1-866-900-7078. Tell them you mean business!


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