Meet Jack M.
Meet Jack M.
When Jack M. felt an insurance company was pushing him to settle his workers’ compensation case before he was finished with treatment for a broken neck, he knew what he needed.
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How Our Firm Helped with a Workers’ Compensation Claim1
When Jack M. felt an insurance company was pushing him to settle his workers’ compensation case before he was finished with treatment for a broken neck, he knew what he needed.
“I needed a lawyer,” he said.
Jack’s journey began when he suffered an injury on the job, leaving him with a skull fracture and a broken neck. One year and one surgery later, Jack said he realized he needed help. On the referral of a friend and after seeing a television ad, he called the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin.
After consulting with our workers’ compensation lawyers, Jack’s case went to mediation.
“From my viewpoint [the mediation] was very dramatic. It felt scary,” he said.
Our Lawyers Are Prepared to Fight for Clients
While Jack said his mediation “felt scary,” he also said the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin helped make him feel comfortable along the way.
“The best part was my attorney was ready to get on whatever was coming up,” he said. “He was ready to get right on top of matters, ready to work for me.”
Two years after he first called our offices, he remains glad he did.
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