Meet Lois S.

A corrections officer disabled by a fall at church, Lois was unable to return to her job. Her doctor put her on disability. She called us to handle her Social Security Disability claim.

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How Our Firm Helped a Client with a Social Security Disability Claim1

Lois A. knows well how unpredictable life can be. She worked with 650 inmates in the Department of Correction without a single incident. Then she sat down in a chair at church and a bolt fell out. Lois fell backwards and the chair flipped back, hit her on the shoulder and tore her rotator cuff in different places.

Unable to raise her arm, she could no longer work at the Department of Correction and her physician at Duke Hospital put her on total disability.

“Well, after that, I was really, really depressed because I wanted to work and knowing that I couldn’t, I was just wondering what was going to take place from there,” she said. Knowing she could not return to work, Lois contacted the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin about the possibility of opening a Social Security Disability claim. She was put in touch with Rick Fleming, head of the firm’s Social Security Disability Department and a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability Law. Lois said she found Rick was extremely easy to deal with and dedicated.

“He was inspiring and I felt like the way that we carried on our conversation that I had been put with the right lawyer,” she said.

Impressed with the Work They Did

Lois said she was very happy with work done on her behalf.

“I just totally turned it all over to the firm here, and they handled every bit of it for me. I don’t know of any other law firm I’d rather have on my case than James Scott Farrin,” she said.

“I’ve had experience with them, and if anything was to happen in my near future, friends, family, whoever, they’d be the first ones I’d call.”

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