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Car Accidents, Injuries, and What To Do Next

In 2018, there were more than 424,000 reported traffic accidents across the Carolinas. Assuming those numbers don’t change drastically, that means you can expect an accident somewhere in the Carolinas every 48 seconds or so. Of those accidents, about 183,500 – that’s 43% – involved an injury of some kind.

Odds are, if you live in the Carolinas, you or someone you know is going to be injured in a crash on the road at some point. When it happens, contact an experienced car accident attorney to discuss your case.

Four Common Car Accident Injuries

So, you’re involved in a car accident. Obviously, in a serious crash you’re likely heading to a hospital. Sometimes, injuries are obvious. Sometimes, however, they’re more subtle. Here are some common types of injuries we see in car accident victims.

1. Whiplash Injures

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck. It’s a sprain or strain that results from the rapid movement of the head forwards or backwards. Sometimes, the result is immediate pain. In other cases, it may take some time for the pain and discomfort to become apparent. If you are experiencing neck pain after an accident, seek medical attention immediately, as you may be suffering from whiplash.

2. Head Injuries

Not every head injury bleeds – at least on the outside. Concussions and “closed head injuries” may be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms can range from something as simple as a headache to slurred speech or memory loss – and they should be treated as soon as possible. If you’re feeling even a little bit off after a car accident, consult a doctor immediately. It may be a sign of a more serious or even life threatening condition.

3. Back Injuries

Car accidents have a way of jarring your body. Airbags protect the body from impacts, but not from all of the forces acting on it. The result is often an injury to the back or spine. Even low-speed impacts can hurt you, and it may not hurt for hours or even a few days later. Back injuries are tough because they affect your ability to move around, work, or get comfortable and sleep. If you’re having back issues after a car accident, make an appointment with your doctor.

4. Broken Bones and Fractures

You might think that a broken bone is an obvious injury, but not all breaks are obvious. Sometimes, the injury is a hairline fracture that causes pain, discomfort, and other symptoms. The only way to find some breaks is through X-rays and other medical scans.

There’s no telling how many people have broken bones and never seek medical treatment. Is that pain in your chest just a bruise, or a broken rib? Without seeing a doctor, you may never know for sure. If you notice any unusual pain, soreness, or bruising after an accident, go see your doctor. Your health is of paramount importance.

What Should I Tell the Officer or EMTs at the Scene of My Accident?

Your body often pumps you full of adrenaline when you’re in an accident. That rush can cover up the symptoms of an injury until much later. You may feel fine at the scene only to feel yourself with unusual aches, pains, and stiffness later. Bruising may take a few hours to show up. We have a list of things to do after you’re in an accident, and things you definitely shouldn’t do. Here are a few additional tips:

  • Don’t tell the officer or people at the scene that you’re “fine” If you aren’t certain. You may not know that for certain. You probably won’t until the adrenaline wears off. It’s okay to be unsure.
  • Allow Emergency Medical Technicians to examine you if they’re on the scene. They’ll check you over. If you feel anything out of the ordinary, let them know.
  • Do your best to calm yourself. Take deep breaths. The calmer you are, the more aware you can be of what may be wrong with your body.

What Do I Do if I Begin Feeling Delayed Symptoms?

Seek medical attention as soon as you can. For instance, if you wake up the next day with a headache, or suddenly find that it hurts to lift things. Maybe you begin to experience numbness in an arm or leg, or maybe your neck stiffens and starts to hurt. These can all happen after an accident, and could be symptomatic of an injury. It is very important for the sake of your health that you seek medical treatment for these delayed symptoms quickly. Delaying could allow your condition to deteriorate.

Seek Medical Attention for Your Injuries, Then Seek Legal Help

If someone hurt you negligently in a car accident, they should be held responsible for the consequences you suffer from it. If you’ve been hurt, call the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin at 1-866-900-7078, chat with us now, text us or contact us online for a free case evaluation. We’ve helped thousands of car accident victims, and are here to assist you.1

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