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North Carolina Motorcycle Accident Statistics and Analysis

For those who ride, nothing compares. There’s just something about a motorcycle that makes every road special in some way. Unfortunately, riders have to share those roads with other vehicles and distracted and careless drivers. The resulting accidents, injuries, and deaths are a chilling reminder of the risks we take when we put on our helmets.

However, the motorcycle accident statistics we’re about to share should not discourage you from riding – they should encourage you to be more cautious. Forewarned is forearmed!

CRASH FACT: According to data from 2017, of all fatal collisions between motorcycles and other vehicles, 78% were head-on, often because of a car turning in front of the motorcycle.

National Trends vs North Carolina

As of 2019, there were 3,434,565 automobiles registered in the state of North Carolina, compared with 187,849 motorcycles. That means there were more than 18 cars for every motorcycle on the road. This is probably not news to motorcyclists, but you’re outnumbered on North Carolina roads. However, not as badly as you are in the nation as a whole.

Nationally, there were roughly 267 million cars and trucks registered in 2019, versus 8.5 million motorcycles. So, there are roughly 31 cars for every motorcycle!

Nationally in 2019, there were roughly 84,000 injuries in motorcycle accidents in almost 20 billion miles traveled. There were more than 5,000 fatalities over that distance.

In North Carolina, in 2020, there were nearly 106 billion miles travelled combined for all vehicles. In that distance, there were 1,658 fatalities. Of those, 176 were motorcyclists. So, more than 10% of traffic fatalities involve motorcycles, even though motorcycles only make up about 3% of the vehicles on the road!

CRASH FACT: In North Carolina in 2020, a person was killed in a motorcycle accident about every 48 hours.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics in North Carolina

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) publishes its collected statistics each year. In that publication, we can find several eye-opening numbers, statistics, and trends:

  • Motorcyclist fatalities decreased about 4% in 2020.
  • There were 3,409 reported motorcycle crashes in 2020. Those crashes resulted in 2,684 injuries and 176 fatalities. That means that 78.7% of motorcycle crashes result in injury, and more than 5% result in death. By comparison, fewer than 30% of passenger car crashes result in injuries and only about 0.4% result in fatalities.
  • Of all motorcycle crashes, riders aged 20-29 have the highest number of crash injuries and fatalities. Of the 176 fatalities in 2020, 116 were riders aged 20-49.
  • In 2020, June had the highest number of motorcycle crashes (425) and injuries (394), but May was the deadliest month for motorcycle riders with 26 fatalities. July and September each had 25 fatalities.
  • According to the numbers, there’s a motorcycle accident in North Carolina about every two and a half hours.
CRASH FACT: According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle deaths spike between the hours of 3pm and 9pm.

Notable Motorcycle Accident Statistics by North Carolina County

North Carolina is a growing state, and with ridership above the national average, it stands to reason more motorcyclists are enjoying the state’s roads. As you might imagine, the most populated counties had the highest numbers of crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Here are some specific numbers:

  • Wake County had more motorcycle crashes than any other county with 266. Mecklenburg County had 231.
  • Wake County led in injuries (236) while Mecklenburg County had 218. Each county accounted for 13 fatalities.
  • After recording only one motorcycle fatality in 2019, Durham County recorded seven in 2020.
  • Hyde and Tyrell Counties recorded no motorcycled crashes in 2020. Warren County only reported one.

 If You Have Been Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident Due to Another Driver’s Actions, Call Us

The motorcycle accident attorneys at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin know the law and can advise you of your rights. Don’t let an insurance company jerk you around. Call us anytime at 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online for a free case evaluation. We’ve recovered a total of more than $2 billion in compensation for more than 73,000 clients.1 Tell them you mean business.

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