A herniated disc could keep you out of work indefinitely. We can help.

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney is on your side and knows how to fight for the full benefits and compensation you may deserve.

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South Carolina Workers’ Compensation for Herniated Discs and Other Back Injuries

Information on this page is not intended as a substitute for a medical evaluation by a qualified provider.

When your job’s everyday motions and stresses turn into major aches and pains, you can develop a serious health problem. Heavy lifting, forceful movements, bending and twisting, whole body vibration, and static work postures can compound the risks of back pain and injury to workers. One of the most common workers’ compensation back injuries is a herniated disc.

Whether you’re working at Greenville Memorial Hospital assisting a patient or at the Amazon Distribution Center in North Myrtle Beach moving packages, it can take just one wrong move – one misstep, one slip or nudge in the wrong direction. Back injuries can develop over time or strike when you least expect them.

If you have a herniated disc or other back injury that you believe was caused by your job, it’s time to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Employers purchase workers’ comp insurance to protect their businesses and workers, and a lawyer can help you understand what benefits may be available to you.

What Exactly Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a rupture in the section of the spine (disc) that cushions each bone (vertebra). Between each vertebra there is a disc made up of cartilage which acts like padding and protects the spine against shock and provides it with flexibility. This disc has a strong outer layer and a soft jelly-like inner layer. When a disc ruptures, or herniates, the jelly-like layer can leak out or “bulge” through a weak area in the outer layer. And when this happens, it can hurt.

Spine side view showing herniated disc affected area.

Herniated discs, also sometimes called ruptured discs, slipped discs, prolapsed discs, and bulging discs, are common causes of neck, back, arm, and leg pain.

It may take months, or even years, to fully recover from a herniated disc injury. If you need workers’ compensation for a herniated disc caused by your job, contact or call one of our compassionate and skilled attorneys at 1-866-900-7078. We are here to help.

Meet Jack, who we helped with his workers’ comp claim: “The best part was my attorney was ready to get on whatever was coming up.”

What Are Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?

Symptoms of a herniated disc may include pain and weakness where the disc ruptured. In some cases, the disc will press on the nerves in the spinal column, causing nerve damage. Loss of bladder/bowel control, while rare, can also occur.

  • Herniated discs in the neck area will sometimes cause pain, numbness, or tingling in the back of the skull, neck, scapula (shoulder blade), shoulder, arm, and hand.
  • Herniated discs in the low back (lumbar spine) can cause radiating pain, tingling, and numbness in the buttocks, legs, and feet – a condition sometimes called sciatica – and may warrant a lower back workers’ comp settlement.

Types of People and Jobs Susceptible to Herniated Discs

Herniated disc injuries can happen to anyone, but they occur more often in men and in people between the ages of 35 and 55 years old. As people age, their discs lose elasticity and become more rigid which makes them more susceptible to damage. There are several risk factors that increase your chance of sustaining this type of injury:

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People with physically demanding jobs have a greater risk of needing workers’ compensation for a back injury at work. And jobs that include repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, climbing, bending sideways, and twisting can increase your risk of a herniated disc.

A few occupations that have a higher-than-average rate of back pain and injuries include:

  • Nursing personnel
  • Construction workers
  • Warehouse workers
  • Truck drivers
  • Farmers, landscapers, and gardeners

Will Workers’ Compensation Treat a Herniated Disc in South Carolina?

It may, but you may have to fight for coverage. If you are approved for benefits, remember that according to South Carolina workers’ compensation law, the insurer gets to choose the physician who oversees your care.

Herniated discs can be difficult to diagnose. Diagnostic tools are expensive, and include X-rays, scans, MRIs, discograms, and myelograms (a special X-ray of the spinal canal). Common treatments include bed rest, physical therapy, and over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as epidural steroid or cortisone injections. In more serious cases, surgery is an alternative. These are all costly in their own ways, and some insurers may try to claim that your injury is of a lesser degree.

And if diagnostics were not enough, treatment can be very expensive indeed. Surgical options for herniated discs suffered at work include:

  • Microdiscectomy: A minimally invasive surgery in which a small part of the bone over the nerve root and/or disc material from under the nerve root is removed to provide more room for the nerve to heal.
  • Laminectomy: The lamina (part of the bony root) of the vertebra is removed or trimmed to create more space for spinal nerves. A common type of laminectomy permits the removal or reshaping of the disc as well.
  • Artificial Disc Replacement: As the name implies, the injured disc is replaced with an artificial one.
  • Fusion Surgery (Spinal Fusion): This surgical technique combines two or more vertebrae. However, this is usually a treatment of last resort because it can lead to future deterioration of adjacent discs.

Getting a diagnosis and treatment for a herniated disc can be a battle with a workers’ comp insurer. The insurance company may try to deny your claim because of a pre-existing condition affecting your back or neck. Or it may try to settle with you for a back strain or sprain rather than offering a herniated or bulging disc settlement, which usually carries more costly treatment. Call 1-866-900-7078 any day, any time, for a free case evaluation. Our workers’ compensation attorneys will work hard to try to ensure that you receive the workers’ compensation benefits you may be entitled.

Common Back Injuries Generally Covered by Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina

According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the back injuries of more than one million workers account for nearly 20 percent of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace. That’s a lot of back pain! To help put that into context, the BLS also states that only the common cold accounts for more lost days of work. Whether your back injury was caused by a single accident at work or has evolved, you may be entitled to South Carolina workers’ compensation benefits.

Back injuries of more than one million workers account for nearly 20% of all work injuries.

Tip: It is a misconception that a worker has to be pain-free prior to the back injury to file a valid workers’ compensation claim.

The most common types of job-related back injuries are:

  • Strains – when muscles or tendons supporting the spine are twisted, pulled, or torn
  • Sprains – when ligaments connecting two or more bones at a joint are stretched or torn
  • Herniated Discs – when the discs cushioning the spine are ruptured

Back injuries can seriously undermine a worker’s physical abilities and can affect the livelihoods of people in many different types of professions. Here are some of the limitations of back injuries:

  • Back injuries can result in lifting and pushing restrictions, as well as limited twisting, bending, and stooping. A plumber, for example, might be unable to crawl under a house to fix the plumbing.
  • They can affect a person’s ability to lift or push heavy objects. A healthcare worker may no longer be able to help lift patients from hospital beds or push a medical cart from room to room.
  • Many people with back injuries have trouble bending or stooping for extensive periods of time. A housekeeper or certified nursing assistant (CNA) may no longer be able to make beds.
  • Some people with back injuries might require frequent changes in position due to an inability to sit or stand comfortably. Production data entry clerks and telemarketers can no longer sit for long periods of time at their stations.

A work accident that leads to a back injury can happen quickly, but recovery can take months or even years. Your situation may be made worse by an insurance company that delays tests and treatments or denies you a workers’ comp settlement for your herniated disc. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you with these issues and explain what workers’ compensation benefits you may be entitled to.

Tip: If your back injury was caused by a person or entity other than your employer or a co-worker, you may be able to bring a third-party claim against them.

Contact Our Experienced South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

By law, most South Carolina employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to provide financial protection and medical care to workers who are injured on the job. At the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, our team understands how to apply the law to workers’ compensation cases, and we fight tirelessly for our clients.

Since 1997, we’ve recovered over $2 billion in total compensation for more than 73,000 people. And counting.1

Our firm was named to the 2025 Best Lawyers ‘Best Law Firms’ list, earning a Tier 1 ranking (the highest) for Workers’ Compensation law.4

If we don't recover for you, you pay no attorney's fee.2

Serious injuries demand serious attention, and we have the talent, inside knowledge, and formidable resources to fight for you – anywhere in South Carolina. If you need workers’ compensation for a herniated disc or other painful back injury from your job, call 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online today. Tell them you mean business!

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