Meet Frankie H.
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Meet Frankie H.
Frankie H. of Henderson N.C., had worked for thirteen years as an inspector at a textile mill that manufactured lace when she was seriously injured on the job.
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How Our Firm Helped An Injured North Carolina Worker1
Frankie H. of Henderson N.C., had worked for thirteen years as an inspector at a textile mill that manufactured lace when she was seriously injured on the job. Stepping forward to wind yarn around a cone that fed a knitting machine, Frankie’s shoe caught a loose floorboard at her plant and she stumbled backwards, permanently injuring both knees.
Her injuries were serious, requiring Frankie to undergo six separate surgeries, including two total knee replacement procedures. Among her injuries were a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in one knee, and a meniscal tear in the other.
Before she contacted the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, Frankie filed a workers’ compensation claim with her company’s insurance carrier, and began receiving monthly workers’ compensation checks for knee injuries. Unable to perform the duties of her job, she was assigned a 40 percent permanent partial disability rating to one knee and a 15 percent permanent partial disability rating to the other knee. Several months after her job accident, the plant where she worked closed permanently and filed for bankruptcy, and the benefit payments she had received for nearly five years dried up.
Wasn’t Happy With the Insurance Company’s Offer
The insurance carrier offered Frankie a lump sum workers’ compensation settlement in an amount she thought was well below what she needed to manage the permanent disability and pain she was suffering.
“I thought I should get something more than what they were offering me for the pain I would always have, and for my injuries,” she said. “But I’m not really good at talking and all that.” Frankie didn’t feel anxious about calling James Scott Farrin because, she said, “I didn’t feel that my lawyers just wanted money. They did their job like they said they would.”
The workers’ compensation attorney working with Frankie told her what to expect before the mediation. “I didn’t really have to do anything, my attorney did it for me.”
Her workers’ compensation attorney referred her to Attorney Rick Fleming for her social security disability claim, “My attorney got Rick to call me because he thought I needed disability in the shape I was in,” Frankie said.
Frankie says what she remembers most about her experience with James Scott Farrin is not the result of her cases.
“They treat you like you’re somebody, you know, not like they could care less if you win your case or not.” Frankie said. “They were right there beside me the whole time. They treated me like I was one of theirs. I would recommend them to just about anybody.”
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