Winston-Salem Workers’ Comp Lawyers

Winston-Salem Workers’ Comp Lawyers

*By Appointment Only

Where there are workers, there are workplace injuries, illnesses, and, in extreme cases, even deaths. North Carolina workers’ compensation law spells out exactly what employers owe to their eligible workers who are injured on the job. Reach out to Winston-Salem workers’ comp lawyers to learn about the workers’ compensation benefits you may deserve under the law.

RJR tobacco smokestacks against the Winston-Salem, NC skyline at sunset.

A town built on tobacco, Winston-Salem’s largest industries now include healthcare, retail, accommodation and food services, and manufacturing. While textile manufacturer Hanesbrands and healthcare provider Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center are among the top five largest employers in the city, tobacco companies Reynolds American and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company still make the top 10 list.

Serious Workplace Injuries on the Rise?

Health care, retail, food services & manufacturing are the largest industries in Winston-Salem, NC.


Workers who are helping build up the city and its economy are sometimes getting hurt, or worse, in the process. The Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSH) reported nearly twice as many workplace fatalities in North Carolina in 2021 (179 fatalities) than 2020 (91 fatalities). That’s a scary fact. At the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, our workers’ compensation team helps injured employees and their families fight for their rights in the event of a workplace injury.


What Are the Different Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

There are several broad categories of workers’ compensation benefits in North Carolina. In general, there are benefits to pay for medical expenses related to the workplace injury or occupational illness, and there are potential wage loss benefits to compensate you for the time you are unable to work.

In addition to these benefits, there may be benefits for mileage reimbursement, vocational rehabilitation, permanent damage to a body part or organ, and disfigurement compensation – as well as death benefits for the extreme cases in which an employee dies from a workplace injury. An experienced Winston-Salem workers’ compensation lawyer can explain in detail which types of workers’ compensation benefits may apply to your specific case. And our lawyers can provide direction if you feel that the workers’ compensation benefits you are receiving are not enough

Am I Suing My Employer If I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

No, you are filing an insurance claim that is already paid for by your employer. In North Carolina, employers with three or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance (in most cases). Workers’ comp laws were made to clarify the mutual rights and responsibilities of injured workers and their employers. An attorney can help you understand what your rights are. Contact our workers’ compensation team for a free case evaluation.

How Difficult Is It to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Winston-Salem?

The workers’ compensation system, while intended to be worker-friendly, can be extremely confusing. There are forms, deadlines, and other requirements that can threaten to sink an injured worker’s claim if they’re not handled properly. We recommend the help of a Winston-Salem workers’ compensation lawyer. The three basic steps for filing a workers’ compensation claim are:

1: Notify Your Employer

Let your supervisor or employer know in writing about the accident or illness you sustained at work. It’s best to do this immediately, but you generally have 30 days to let them know.

2: Make a Claim

Fill out and submit Form 18 to the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC). We advise you to do this within 30 days, but generally, you have two years to file this form.

3: Appeal a Denied Claim (if Necessary)

Respond to a denied claim by filing a Form 33 request for a hearing with the NCIC.

How Can a Winston-Salem Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help Me With My Claim?

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you if you’ve been injured at work in Winston-Salem by:

  • Guarding your claim against errors on forms, and ensuring forms are submitted within time limits
  • Advocating for you to get needed medical treatment, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation, and even second opinions when needed
  • Fighting for reimbursement for medical bills, if necessary
  • Seeking compensation for lost wages and calculating and fighting for wage loss benefits
  • Protecting your rights regarding your job and your employer’s responsibilities to you
  • Explaining the benefits that may apply to your workers’ compensation claim
  • Advising you on the workers’ comp claim filing process, how to appeal a denied workers compensation claim, and any legal issues that may come up

Contact the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin for Professional Assistance

Call our dedicated and skilled Winston-Salem workers’ compensation lawyers at 1-866-900-7078 or contact us today if you are suffering from a workplace injury or occupational disease. We have several lawyers who are board certified as Workers’ Compensation Specialists by the North Carolina State Bar – a designation that requires extensive, specialized education and experience.  And two of our attorneys have previously worked at the North Carolina Industrial Commission, the state agency which regulates and administers workers’ compensation claims.

We’ve helped thousands of injured workers pursue workers’ compensation claims and recover compensation.1 And we’ve handled workers’ compensation cases where the employer or insurance company refused to budge or help an injured employee. A denied claim is not necessarily a reason to quit – it may be a reason to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Seek Maximum Workers’ Compensation Benefits

We know North Carolina workers’ compensation law, and we’ll fight hard to pursue maximum compensation for your workers’ compensation claim – from medical expenses and lost wages to death or disability benefits. You don’t need to worry about the cost of enlisting one of our Winston-Salem workers’ compensation lawyers. At the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, we work on a contingency fee basis and don’t collect an attorney’s fee unless we recover fair compensation for you.2

Tell them you mean business by engaging us to fight for maximum compensation you may deserve. Visit our Winston-Salem office pages to learn more about what the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin has to offer.

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